Probably every mother knows how to develop an infant, how many months to keep the crown, and how many sit independently. The situation changes when the child reaches the age of 1 year. Few parents can answer a question like "When a child has to learn to ride a bike or tie a shoelace?" In this article we have tried to answer the most common parenting issues.
Parents need to remember that the development of each child individually and skills your child may differ from the standard. Unless your child is not behind some of the skill for a few months or behind on several skills at once, there is no reason for concern. Children born prematurely, can hardly keep up with the children born in the period. As a rule, to two years, this difference is smoothed out. But if in addition to being a child "falls short" on several points, he has other disturbing symptoms: he rarely smiles, too capricious, delivers too little sound or too often, parents should pay attention to this doctor.
At the age of 1 year (12-14 months) child usually:
• Walks, or makes 2-3 steps without support.
• It is well worth it.
• Puts an object in a box.
• Puts on each other two dice.
• Pear iruet a simple command, not accompanied by gestures (eg, "Give!").
• In addition to "ma-ma" and "pa-pa" said another from 1 to 6 words.
• A lot of mumbling.
Education: Even at this early age you can start teaching your child letters, numbers, colors and shapes. Do not think that it is too early. Even if a full understanding comes a little later, this information is somehow delayed in the brain of the child. Of course, education should be unobtrusive and occur in the form of a game with pictures, poems and toys.
In 1,5 years (16-18 months) child:
• Good walks and runs.
• Likes to climb the stairs.
• Drinks from a cup.
• Try to eat with a spoon independently.
• Points to familiar objects called adults.
• Understands a few simple phrases.
• Shows at toy nose, mouth and eyes.
• scribbling pencils.
• Picks up, leaning forward, toy and carries it from place to place.
• Expresses gestures or sounds of love, pleasure, excitement.
• Prefers favorite toys.
• He says at least 15 words.
Miming: If you give your child a pacifier, it is best to remove it from the child not later than eighteen months. Before that age the use of pacifiers is, in general, harmless. Children who suck a pacifier up to 3-4 years, may subsequently cause problems with speech.
The first duty: In this age begin to teach a child to clean and tidy - clean up after a toy, put the clothes in the basket for dirty clothes or bring napkins to the table. And if at first he will need your help, you'll be surprised how quickly he learns to do it all yourself. As a child growing up add to the new responsibilities, such as: watering the flowers, for a wipe, if knocked over a glass of water, obscure his bed and into the washing dirty dishes (plastic).
The first visit to the dentist: a child's first visit to the dentist should take place approximately 6 months after the onset of the baby's first tooth. In the future, your doctor every six months or a year, especially if the child has problems with teeth - spots on the teeth or malocclusion.
First bike: You can buy a child now. And even if the ability to pedal will come later, the child may be happy to ride back and forth, pushing his feet on the ground, or enjoy the ride, when you push yourself a bicycle.
At 2 years of a child:
• Well run and jump.
• Builds a tower of 4-6 cubes.
• throwing and kicking a ball with his foot.
• «feed" a doll with a spoon.
• Self-rises and descends the stairs.
• Knows his name and speaks about himself in third person, calling on the name.
• Shows on my nose, mouth and eyes.
• looking at pictures in the book.
• Can withdraw some of their own clothing.
• Says 15 to 50 words (deviations from these figures is quite normal).
• In his speech, using several combinations of two words.
• Begins to control bladder and bowels.
The first "creativity": The two years of a child has improved considerably and coordinate eye-hand ". Therefore, in this age, many kids love to draw ( "kalyakat"), paint, build with cubes, draw pictures of simple puzzles and cubes.
"Adult" bed: In the age of two years it's time to relocate the child from the child's bed in a big bed. At this age, many children try to get out of their child's bed, throwing one leg over the banister. This can be dangerous.
The first four-legged friend: Do not start the pet until the child is 2 years. At this age a child can follow with interest, for example, the fish in the aquarium, without much harm for them and for myself. With these pets, like a cat or a dog, it is better to wait until the child learns to be more cautious and intelligent, that is, until he was at least 3-4 years.
In 3 years of a child:
• Going down and up the stairs, turn rearranges feet.
• Can dress and undress themselves (with varying success).
• rides a tricycle.
• Understands and performs the combined teams of two parts ( "Pick up the shovel and put it in a bucket!").
• Build sentences of 4-5 words.
• Uses pronouns in his speech ( "I", "you", etc.)
• articulately and clearly pronounces most words.
• Good understanding was said to him (within reasonable limits of complexity).
• Specify in the book at least 4 of familiar objects.
• Knows the names of at least 6 parts of the body.
• Playing and / or communicating with other children.
• accustomed to the toilet (small incident were acceptable).
By 3 years of a child's language skills are significantly improved. Pay more attention to learning the rhymes and songs, read more books with your child, carefully considering and discussing the pictures.
In 4 years of a child:
• For good control over their body. He becomes a real "expert" in the field of fastening and unfastening buttons, laces, zippers, scaring you desire for complete independence. He also skillfully uses a spoon and fork. At this age is perfectly normal, if your chubby baby becomes a lanky "Daisy". Do not worry, gradually over several years for children zhirok child "melt" and be replaced by muscles. Height and weight of the child should grow evenly. If the weight is increasing faster than growth, then the child may be inclined to corpulence. Pay attention to the inner thigh and upper arm of the child - if zhirok hangs in folds, is also a sign of excess weight. In this case it is necessary to revise the diet of the child and give him a more useful and healthy food, as well as to involve it in the mobile games. If the child is six months does not appreciably increased, consult with your doctor: some children may experience a lack of growth hormone.
• Dictionary four-year may already contain 1000 words! He was able to build sentences of 6-8 words, but his speech is already understand sufficiently strangers.
• At this age, children begin to be interested in her body and differences between men and women. Therefore, such a popular game is "a doctor".
Shoelaces: The child must be able to tie a shoelace to the time when he begins kindergarten, in any case to 4-5 years. Boots on the sticky, of course, more convenient, but then the development of hand movements of your child (for example, the ability to write) would take much longer.
Swimming: A child can learn to swim independently as early as 4 years. At this age, you can write it in the pool. Up to 4 years in a child, on average, are not sufficiently developed the appropriate skills and coordination.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
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