Sunday, December 13, 2009

How are children aged 1 to 4 years

Probably every mother knows how to develop an infant, how many months to keep the crown, and how many sit independently. The situation changes when the child reaches the age of 1 year. Few parents can answer a question like "When a child has to learn to ride a bike or tie a shoelace?" In this article we have tried to answer the most common parenting issues.

Parents need to remember that the development of each child individually and skills your child may differ from the standard. Unless your child is not behind some of the skill for a few months or behind on several skills at once, there is no reason for concern. Children born prematurely, can hardly keep up with the children born in the period. As a rule, to two years, this difference is smoothed out. But if in addition to being a child "falls short" on several points, he has other disturbing symptoms: he rarely smiles, too capricious, delivers too little sound or too often, parents should pay attention to this doctor.

At the age of 1 year (12-14 months) child usually:

• Walks, or makes 2-3 steps without support.
• It is well worth it.
• Puts an object in a box.
• Puts on each other two dice.
• Pear iruet a simple command, not accompanied by gestures (eg, "Give!").
• In addition to "ma-ma" and "pa-pa" said another from 1 to 6 words.
• A lot of mumbling.

Education: Even at this early age you can start teaching your child letters, numbers, colors and shapes. Do not think that it is too early. Even if a full understanding comes a little later, this information is somehow delayed in the brain of the child. Of course, education should be unobtrusive and occur in the form of a game with pictures, poems and toys.

In 1,5 years (16-18 months) child:

• Good walks and runs.
• Likes to climb the stairs.
• Drinks from a cup.
• Try to eat with a spoon independently.
• Points to familiar objects called adults.
• Understands a few simple phrases.
• Shows at toy nose, mouth and eyes.
• scribbling pencils.
• Picks up, leaning forward, toy and carries it from place to place.
• Expresses gestures or sounds of love, pleasure, excitement.
• Prefers favorite toys.
• He says at least 15 words.
Miming: If you give your child a pacifier, it is best to remove it from the child not later than eighteen months. Before that age the use of pacifiers is, in general, harmless. Children who suck a pacifier up to 3-4 years, may subsequently cause problems with speech.

The first duty: In this age begin to teach a child to clean and tidy - clean up after a toy, put the clothes in the basket for dirty clothes or bring napkins to the table. And if at first he will need your help, you'll be surprised how quickly he learns to do it all yourself. As a child growing up add to the new responsibilities, such as: watering the flowers, for a wipe, if knocked over a glass of water, obscure his bed and into the washing dirty dishes (plastic).

The first visit to the dentist: a child's first visit to the dentist should take place approximately 6 months after the onset of the baby's first tooth. In the future, your doctor every six months or a year, especially if the child has problems with teeth - spots on the teeth or malocclusion.

First bike: You can buy a child now. And even if the ability to pedal will come later, the child may be happy to ride back and forth, pushing his feet on the ground, or enjoy the ride, when you push yourself a bicycle.

At 2 years of a child:

• Well run and jump.
• Builds a tower of 4-6 cubes.
• throwing and kicking a ball with his foot.
• «feed" a doll with a spoon.
• Self-rises and descends the stairs.
• Knows his name and speaks about himself in third person, calling on the name.
• Shows on my nose, mouth and eyes.
• looking at pictures in the book.
• Can withdraw some of their own clothing.
• Says 15 to 50 words (deviations from these figures is quite normal).
• In his speech, using several combinations of two words.
• Begins to control bladder and bowels.
The first "creativity": The two years of a child has improved considerably and coordinate eye-hand ". Therefore, in this age, many kids love to draw ( "kalyakat"), paint, build with cubes, draw pictures of simple puzzles and cubes.

"Adult" bed: In the age of two years it's time to relocate the child from the child's bed in a big bed. At this age, many children try to get out of their child's bed, throwing one leg over the banister. This can be dangerous.

The first four-legged friend: Do not start the pet until the child is 2 years. At this age a child can follow with interest, for example, the fish in the aquarium, without much harm for them and for myself. With these pets, like a cat or a dog, it is better to wait until the child learns to be more cautious and intelligent, that is, until he was at least 3-4 years.
In 3 years of a child:

• Going down and up the stairs, turn rearranges feet.
• Can dress and undress themselves (with varying success).
• rides a tricycle.
• Understands and performs the combined teams of two parts ( "Pick up the shovel and put it in a bucket!").
• Build sentences of 4-5 words.
• Uses pronouns in his speech ( "I", "you", etc.)
• articulately and clearly pronounces most words.
• Good understanding was said to him (within reasonable limits of complexity).
• Specify in the book at least 4 of familiar objects.
• Knows the names of at least 6 parts of the body.
• Playing and / or communicating with other children.
• accustomed to the toilet (small incident were acceptable).

By 3 years of a child's language skills are significantly improved. Pay more attention to learning the rhymes and songs, read more books with your child, carefully considering and discussing the pictures.

In 4 years of a child:

• For good control over their body. He becomes a real "expert" in the field of fastening and unfastening buttons, laces, zippers, scaring you desire for complete independence. He also skillfully uses a spoon and fork. At this age is perfectly normal, if your chubby baby becomes a lanky "Daisy". Do not worry, gradually over several years for children zhirok child "melt" and be replaced by muscles. Height and weight of the child should grow evenly. If the weight is increasing faster than growth, then the child may be inclined to corpulence. Pay attention to the inner thigh and upper arm of the child - if zhirok hangs in folds, is also a sign of excess weight. In this case it is necessary to revise the diet of the child and give him a more useful and healthy food, as well as to involve it in the mobile games. If the child is six months does not appreciably increased, consult with your doctor: some children may experience a lack of growth hormone.

• Dictionary four-year may already contain 1000 words! He was able to build sentences of 6-8 words, but his speech is already understand sufficiently strangers.

• At this age, children begin to be interested in her body and differences between men and women. Therefore, such a popular game is "a doctor".

Shoelaces: The child must be able to tie a shoelace to the time when he begins kindergarten, in any case to 4-5 years. Boots on the sticky, of course, more convenient, but then the development of hand movements of your child (for example, the ability to write) would take much longer.

Swimming: A child can learn to swim independently as early as 4 years. At this age, you can write it in the pool. Up to 4 years in a child, on average, are not sufficiently developed the appropriate skills and coordination.
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Sex in Hollywood

We all love movies. We love to dive into another world, to represent yourself to be the heroes and experience the range of emotions, the prescribed script. And there's nothing perverse to look at someone else's bedroom, it's art. Introducing the top-10 list of the sexiest scenes in cinema history, which should definitely see at least once in life.

Legendary film "Pretty Woman" where Julia Roberts played his famous role of a prostitute, almost by force fall in love with a financial tycoon (Richard Gere), is remembered for a lifetime. The most spectacular moment in the film - the heroes of the first kiss on the lips. Indeed, given the unusual form of courtship of the hero, Richard Gere, this scene made the audience hold its breath.
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, the film Diary pamyatiFilm "The Notebook", which became a best seller (as the book on which it was filmed), makes the experience from the first until the last minute. However, the most hectic scene of the meeting can be called lovers after a long separation.
Despite the fact that in the movie "Wrong" is also filmed sex symbol of Hollywood's Richard Gere, the sexiest scene went to another man, whom his wife in the film shared the bed. However, the whole story began precisely with this scene where Diane Lane has sex with Olivier Martinez, who was later the hero of Richard Gere kills.
Virginia Ledoyen and the idol of millions of Leonardo di Caprio in the pursuit of a paradise on Earth in the movie "Beach" gave us an incredible scene who had betrayed the passion right in the ocean. "Beach" utopian left a rich history in the passionate scene. Not inferior in entertainment and the final picture, where the main character Richard buys the silence of imperious mistress of the island Sal rough sex.
Joseph Fiennes and Gwyneth Paltrow, the film Shakespeare in Love Shakespeare in Love, "received 7 Oscar came out worthy saga about love and art, but the most memorable scene has turned the night of Joseph Fiennes as Shakespeare with his beloved Pesseps de Viola (Gwyneth Paltrow) .
Sometimes the quarrel - the only thing that could again make the heart pounding. Proof of this - a scene from the film "Hobbies Stella", where the main character Angela Bassett makes love with sexual Teyem Diggs, who played the black guy, a 20-years younger in love with him business lady.
After Brad Pitt played Tristan in the movie "Legends of the Fall," certainly came to light more than one dozen young Tristan, whose mothers fell in love with the history of the hero, a lover of luxury a woman, played by Julia Ormond. The last and thank the penetration stage of love.
Famous "Cruel Intentions" just could not get into the sexy-list, because the film is thoroughly imbued Hidden passion. And when that passion, finally broke, we were able to see how they do "it" Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Philippe.
In "Dirty Dancing" managed to make a pretty good remake, but the old version of incendiary love will always be remembered, thanks to the brilliant play of Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray, presented us with a beautiful scene of tenderness, passion and romance in the dance.

Pain during sex: causes and methods of struggle

It happens that sex does not bring pleasure, and vice versa - is a source of unpleasant sensations and even pain. You can, of course, to ignore these signals, but the pain during sex can be a sign of more serious problems.

Short prelude

A very common cause of unpleasant sensations during sex is that your partner does not spend enough time to complete preludes. Because of this you can be strained, has not yet had time to relax, and grease is not selected.

The next time will not hesitate to tell your partner that you need more long-term prelude. Otherwise, you risk damaging the mucous membrane of the vagina, which will require serious treatment.

Insufficient lubrication

Often, pain during sex due to lack of moistening the vagina. The reasons for this may be a few. The first of them - already mentioned a short prelude, but there are plenty of others. For example, excessive alcohol, or breast-feeding.

In these cases, no matter how long was not a prelude, lubrication may still not be enough. So it makes sense to resort to using special gels - lubricants. Prefer a means of water-based (it must be stated on the package), because other lubricants can damage the condom (and wash them would not be so easy).

Vaginal infections

Virtually any local infection can cause painful sensations during sex. For example, a yeast infection - one of the most common women's diseases. This infection is cured fairly easily, but you still need to consult with your gynecologist.

After cause pain during sex can and diseases such as chlamydia or herpes - and their treatment will be more complicated. In any event, if you suspect that you have a vaginal infection (there are other symptoms besides pain - itching, burning, unusual discharge, etc.), use a condom and be sure to consult a doctor.

Increased sensitivity or irritation

Vagina - a very sensitive area, and soap, perfume, bath foam may cause irritation to the lung. When sex is compounded by the irritation, which leads to unpleasant sensations. To avoid this, use a soft, nearomatizirovannym soap. It should also abandon the deodorizing means to give preference to the vagina and underwear made of natural fabrics.


Vaginismus - is involuntary clenching vaginal muscles, which makes it difficult to sex, and even makes it impossible. The most common causes of vaginismus - the psychological and related to the fear of sexual relations. And you can not even realize that suffer from this disease. In this case, may need advice gynecologist and a psychologist - to overcome vaginismus alone is virtually impossible.

The conclusion from the above is simple - if you regularly experience pain during sex, first check whether enough your lengthy prelude and if not, talk to your partner. If the problem persists in this way - see the gynecologist. It will help you determine the cause and advise how to resolve it.

Sex anywhere!

Intimate lives of many couples who usually goes in the bedroom. Historically. "The champions of morality" from our earliest years give us guidance about where and how to develop relationships between a man and a woman. However, if we approach this issue more relaxed, with imagination, then you may find that you can indulge in passions not only in the marriage bed, but in others, a variety of places - this will make the relationship sharpness and a process - a special piquancy, new sensations and emotions .
See for yourself:
1. Sex in the apartment

Where it is: all the corners of your apartment - living room, bathroom, toilet, kitchen.

How: all are limited to the living space and imagination. So, for example, some girls have great pleasure in sex on a washing machine, operating in streak mode. Very romantic to make love on a windowsill, balcony: partners not only enjoy the closeness, but also can enjoy, for instance, the beautiful view from the window.

Difficulties and risks: It should be borne in mind that sex in such places, and paired with some extreme experiences. First, making love on a windowsill or on the balcony, do not forget about safety - in a fit of passion can inadvertently fall "overboard." Secondly, there is a greater likelihood that you might notice some of the neighbors that can greatly confuse, although for some people this is the "whole point".

Level of difficulty: 1 of 10

2. Of flats

Where: the roof, elevator, stairway.

How: Staircase - we can say analog windowsills and balconies. But here you are not restricted by his apartment - there are some choices: the height of floors, the degree of purity and illumination area, or even art-graphic "finish" the walls. In sex on the roof there is a certain romanticism: the open sky, at the bottom - rustling tree crowns. And sex in an elevator can be called a variation on the theme "Gone in 60 Seconds": here the main thing - speed: catch all, while lift is moving, although it can and stop.

Difficulties and risks: you can "Caught in flagrante delicto". However, if you are not confused, then - in advance. Determined to make love on the roof, keep in mind that there, at least, we still get - take care of stock in his own possession the key. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the roof - if it is sloping, be especially careful.

Level of difficulty: 3 out of 10

3. Transports
Where: car, motorcycle, minibus, bus, subway, train.

What: Despite the fact that sex in the car was to some extent, the classics, you can always more difficult conditions - to do "this" in a traffic jam near the traffic police post, at the car wash - imagination there can be no limit. Motorcycle - is more refinement. You can experience the new sensation while having sex in public transport (bus, shuttle bus), as if by chance your man sitting on his knees, in the evening - in an empty subway car. In the train, the clack of the wheels, you can have sex not only in the luxury coupe, but, for example, in the vestibule, in the passageway between the cars, or, finally, on the second shelf of the car reserved seat. Drive provided.

The difficulties and dangers: If the car you are not yet clearly visible, then, say, marshrutkah and buses, the key point is to be invisible while in plain sight. The main thing, "so that no one guessed. Sex in the subway, depending on the crowded train, or like sex in a bus, or (when the car is empty) will be a variation of sex in an elevator.

Level of difficulty: 4 out of 10

4. Cultural established

Where: theaters, museums, cinema.

How: The last row of the cinema, the place for kisses. In truth, they can be and not just for kissing. You two have come to the session, sat down on the last row. But that's a shame you can not see anything - will have to sit down on her knees to her beloved. The script can be any. Theaters, especially opera, good in that there may be alone on the balcony and indulge in passion to the music of world famous composers. Museums - they can find such "zakoulochki", where almost no one go
Difficulties and dangers: You need to be quiet - to cries could come running grandmother smotritelnitsa and a disgrace to put you in two

Level of difficulty: 4 out of 10
5. Nature

Where: for maximum sensory acuity, you can choose the most unexpected places, and not just in the bushes overgrown, deserted park: cliff, cliff top field in the winter woods covered with snow, the branches of trees.

How: The options are numerous. At the heart of nature can do the comprehension of Kamasutra.

Difficulties and dangers: Choosing the most extreme places, do not forget that they are just extreme. There is danger of falling from somewhere or meet with any wild animal. In winter you can own something inadvertently freeze.

Difficulty: 8 out of 10

6. Water verse

Where: The rivers, lakes, both with full immersion, and without, on the sandy shore, to the greatest extremes may approach and 10-meter tower near the pool in the water park.

How: Of course, romantic of all, when no one around there - to enjoy each other's company as you can want. But if you are on a 10-meter tower, you need to watch is whether it is someone else as well, below you will see nobody.

Difficulties and dangers: If you decide to have sex under the water, then there must have good physical form that has consistently failed to emerge. In addition, sex on the sandy beach is dangerous because the sand tends to stick to the wet body - he can get somewhere is not there, and it can ruin the whole holidays

Level of difficulty: 10 of 10

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ABC communication with children

Children of any age are asked difficult questions. There is no simple answer to them sometimes not found. But if you want your children to come with questions for you, but did not use unreliable sources of information, better as soon as possible to make contact with his son or daughter.

Small children

Small children ask millions of questions. Sometimes, they relate to sensitive and difficult topics such as asking about death. I want to protect the child from unpleasant thoughts. But attempts to evade the call may do more harm than good. Realizing that even the parents do not want to talk about a terrible subject, he will close and cease to share their thoughts.

When you talk with your child, it is important to:

* Do not forbid him to express their thoughts on any subject
* Respond honestly
* Listen to the child and show that you understand his feelings
* Do not tell your child that he was too young to know about such things
* Answer simple and clear
* Do not overload the child's information
* If you do not know the answer, do not pretend to know. To tell the truth: "I do not know how you answer this."

Be available for child

At any age children, it is important to know that parents are always nearby. Note that when a child is to talk about what happened to him during the day. Maybe it happens during dinner or before bedtime or when you are helping her son or daughter to do homework. Start the conversation themselves. Give your child understand that you're interested in everything that was happening to him.


The child must feel that his hearing.

* When he was somehow disturbed, put the case and carefully listen to what he wants to tell.
* Be interested.
* Listen to the views of the child, even if you do not agree with it.
* Give the child an opportunity to substantiate their case, before you answer.
* If you need to specify what is not understood from the story of the child.

Do not hurry to answer

Before you answer, think about it. On this depends whether the child will listen to your words.

* Do not react to words or actions of the child is too emotional. Structurally articulate their claims. The child may ignore the words uttered in anger.
* To express their views without criticizing the child's opinion. He should understand that perhaps you do not agree and that's OK.
* Do not argue which one of you is right. Recognize that you disagreed, and stated its position.
* During the call, take into account the feelings of the child, not just their own.

More tips:

* Find out what the child is making this conversation. Do I have it pleasure? Or advice? Or need your help in solving the problem? Maybe the child wants to be simply listened in silence?
* Do not sermonize, avoid criticism, threats, insults.
* Allow your child to learn from their experiences. If the consequences of a deed is not dangerous, it is better not to intervene.

Raising children - a difficult thing, but if you listen to your child and talk with him about important things, family ties and friendship between you will become only stronger.
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10 ways to show motherly love

How to show your child that you love him?

Parents usually have many answers to this question: someone is preparing a delicious lunch, someone reads a child at night, a favorite book or stay at home if the baby is sick ...

Now compare your answers with tips and authoritative organizations - the American Academy of Pediatrics.

First of all, we must remember that the happiness of the child - a pledge of his health. Therefore:

1. Even before the birth of a child give up bad habits.

2. Read to children - even newborns. Kids like the sound of your voice. The benefit of reading is at any age.

3. You should visit a pediatrician and do all the necessary vaccinations. Keep home a copy of the child's medical record, blanks tests and examinations.

4. Remove anything that might pose a risk to the child. Make sure that drugs, chemicals, sharp objects, etc., safely hidden and inaccessible to the baby. Do not let children under 3 years of small items, they can choke. Use filters to purify water.

5. Take care of security while moving by car. Children under 12 years must be worn or placed in a special chair. Vozite only child in the backseat. Install the car seat correctly. Make sure to fit your child on weight and height. Show your child by example that a car must wear.

6. Treat very serious choice to nurse the child. Participates in the organization who are concerned about the rights and safety of children.

7. Praise, approves the child, tell him your kind words. Cheer him with phrases like "You can do it!" Or "What do you have big". Keep in child self-confidence. Encourage him for a job well done, show interest in what he says.

8. Daily check what the child, if he adheres to the daily routine. Limit TV watching both on time and on the content of broadcasts. Make sure that the child ate, homework and go to bed at a certain time. To educate a child's healthy attitude towards your body, burn it in the sports section. Instead of sweets try to give useful goodies.

9. Watch for his own behavior at home and in public places. Do not forget to tell others "thank you", "please", "excuse me". If you are angry with the child, try not to utter harsh words and insults. Try to give your child as much as possible time.

10. Embrace, kiss the child. Shows every sign that it is you care about. This is especially useful when a child is angry, upset or configured to quarrel. Do not forget to talk about how much you love him.
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Planning a Healthy Pregnancy

This article is educational in nature. Specific concerns, suspicions and fears regarding pregnancy, you should discuss with their physician.

Begin to prepare for pregnancy need to conception. Even before a woman realizes she is pregnant with an embryo is already undergoing important changes. So begin to lead a healthy lifestyle should begin early. This will help reduce the risk of complications in the future. Before becoming pregnant are advised to take multivitamins, comprising folic acid. According to studies, folic acid significantly reduces the probability of having a baby with neural tube defects and spina bifida (spina bifida). If you smoke, stop this habit, or at least drastically reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Avoid alcohol. Get rid of excess weight before pregnancy, during pregnancy because the child can not adhere to a strict diet. Women who are obese during pregnancy often have complications (diabetes and hypertension).


1. At what point menstrual easiest way to get pregnant?

Typically, ovulation occurs approximately 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. Accordingly, it has a 10-day 24-day cycle, a 14-second 28-day cycle or the 18th day of 32-day cycle. To calculate the ovulation need to track the length of the menstrual cycle for several months. The first day of menstruation considered to be the beginning of the cycle. Many women have an irregular cycle, and ovulation occurs on different days.

Here are two ways to determine when ovulation will occur:

· Method of cervical mucus (discharge from the cervix). Immediately after the menstrual discharge from the vagina no. Close to ovulation, women celebrate the appearance of mucus, as its quantity increases during this period. Mucus should be watery, clear and sticky. This sperm trapped in it, do not die before the onset of ovulation.

· Basal body temperature. To do this, use a thermometer that measures temperature to tenths of a degree. Measures the temperature in the mouth every morning before you get out of bed. Initially, the cycle temperature is almost unchanged, but just before ovulation, it drops to 0,3 - 1,0 ° C, and then rises to 0.5 - 1 ° C. The temperature increase indicates the occurrence of ovulation. Typically, the temperature remains elevated until the next menstrual period.

2. WHEN CAN I LEARN ABOUT pregnancy?

Learn about the occurrence of pregnancy can be about 2 weeks after conception, the first day of expected menstruation. More accurate results can be obtained after 3-4 days. Shortly after conception in blood levels of human chorionic gonadotropin. The content of this hormone is also increased in the urine. With this pregnancy can be installed using a simple test strips. Depending on the sensitivity of the model used, the test can be conducted, starting from 1 st - 4 th day of delay menstruation. In the case of a negative test result and the continued delay is necessary to re-examine, as may at the time of the first study the desired concentration of the hormone has not yet been reached. To do this test is recommended to use the morning urine, in which the concentration of hormones is maksimalnoey.

3. When you need to register with the mother and observed for a doctor?

You can see a doctor after the first suspicion of pregnancy. Usually the first method is appointed for a period of 6-8 weeks from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle. The doctor likely will recommend to take vitamins for pregnant and finds out whether you have a complaint to the state of health.

For getting registered doctor examining family history and the history of the disease are women. Internal inspection is conducted to determine the size and tone of the uterus. Nurse measures and records the map of weight and blood pressure. The doctor takes a swab from the vagina and appoints blood. The survey results can be found in a second doctor's office. Urine sample must pass before each visit to a gynecologist.

In the early stages usually designate one inspection per month. In the second trimester of pregnancy in the antenatal clinic have to go every 2-3 weeks, but in the last month - every week.


The approximate date of birth can be calculated by this formula: add 7 days to the first day of your last menstrual period, subtract 3 months and add 1 year.

This formula is based on the fact that the duration of the menstrual cycle 28 days, and conception occurs at the 14 th day. Your doctor may adjust the formula taking into account the individual characteristics of your cycle. According to studies, only 4-10% of women deliver exactly the intended period. In most women, a child born on 7 days before or after the estimated date of delivery.

5. What determines sex of a child?

Sex of the child is determined at the time of conception. Female egg and male sperm cell each contain 23 unpaired chromosomes. One of them is responsible for the sex of a child. Women's eggs contain only the X chromosome, while men's sperm - either female X chromosome, or male Y-chromosome. Thus, the child's sex depends on what chromosome carries sperm, fertilizing the egg.


Doctors believe the normal weight gain of about 12-13 kg. Thin women may be allowed to collect a little more than the norm, complete, respectively-less. However, some women gain more than the recommended norm, without any health effects. That's why the sum of the additional weight:

* Fruit - 3.2 kg;
* Placenta - 0,5 kg;
* Amniotic fluid - 0,9 kg;
* Enlarged uterus - 0,9 kg;
* Additional volume of blood in the mother - 1,4 kg;
* Enlarged breasts - 0,4 kg
* More fluid in the body - 1,8 kg;
* Maternal reserves - 3,4 kg.

A pregnant woman is gaining weight slowly and unevenly. The rate of increase in body weight of approximately like this:

* 0-12 weeks - a small weight gain;
* 12-20 weeks - 25%;
* 20-30 weeks - 50%;
* 30-36 weeks - 25%;
* 36 - 40 weeks - almost a supplement does not happen.

7. What changes happens in the body during pregnancy?

* Changes to the breast. Mammary glands begin to prepare to produce milk at the early stages of pregnancy. Areola around the nipples darken around them, clearly visible blood vessels. Breast becomes heavier and more sensitive. Some women noted a marked increase in the chest from the early stages of pregnancy.
* Fatigue. During pregnancy, metabolic processes in the body occur at very high speeds. No wonder that in the first 8-10 weeks pregnant woman complains about the incredible fatigue. As adjusting to a new state, this feeling is reduced (usually in the second trimester).
* Nausea. This is another frequent companion of pregnancy, usually in the morning. Sometimes nausea accompanied by vomiting. This is facilitated by fatigue and hunger. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms, try to eat often, but little by little.
* Frequent urge to urinate. The growing uterus presses on the bladder wall and creates a feeling that it was too crowded.
* Increase the abdomen. Pregnancy becomes noticeable around for about a period of 12 weeks. Much depends on the height and weight, women, and of course of previous pregnancies. Increase in proportion of uterine gestational age fetus. Regular measurement of the volume of the stomach and the doctor standing height of the uterus to check a growing fetus.
* Problems with the gums. During pregnancy, the gums often bleed, even from mild irritation toothbrush. This is considered normal and usually resolves after childbirth.
* Constipation. One of the most common complaints of pregnant women. Constipation associated with deterioration of intestinal peristalsis and pressure, which creates the rectum growing uterus.
* Dizziness. Dizziness (especially when abrupt stop), partly related to the delayed blood flow to the heart caused by the pressure of the uterus on the vessels of the abdominal cavity.
* Edema. Usually there are closer to the birth of the feet and ankles. However, there may appear in any part of the body. This is due to an excess of fluid in the body.
* Mood swings. Many women during pregnancy, complaining of sharp mood swings and sensitivity to changes in the environment. Future mothers often cry for no reason.
* The tremors in the stomach. Future mother feels like a baby moving in her stomach. The shocks are distinguishable approximately between 16th and 20 th weeks. The women describe the nature of these shocks as vibration or a slight tremor.
* The heartbeat of the fetus. It bugged during the ultrasound examination, since the 8 th week of pregnancy. Approximately 3-4 months with a doctor during the reception will listen to the heartbeat of the fetus.

8. SHOULD during pregnancy CHANGE Exercise?

On this point the doctors have different opinions. The number of exercises that a pregnant woman can do no harm to the fetus, usually depends on its physical fitness prior to pregnancy. During sports pregnant especially important to listen to your body and relax at the first signs of fatigue or pain. Expectant mothers should avoid exercises that involve sudden, strong tremor. During pregnancy, especially when the stomach is much better, better not to engage in traumatic sports - horse riding, skiing, wrestling, skating and ice skating, etc.

If no medical contraindications, you can work before the birth. However, it should be to exclude certain types of physical activities.

9. How to eat right during pregnancy?

From a future mother's diet depends on how many come in the uterus of the necessary nutrients. If a woman were not enough, will suffer not only she but a child. However, this does not mean you need to load up "for two". Most women lack the 300 additional calories. It is better to give preference to products containing protein and calcium (meat, fish, legumes, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products). Pregnant women encouraged to eat more dairy products, because they are an excellent source of calcium. However, whole milk, calorie, so it is best to use low-fat milk. Sample rate - about 500 ml of milk per day.

During pregnancy it is recommended to take vitamins. If you take the same vitamins as before conception, tell your doctor. He must be convinced that they have enough iron and minerals. The fact is that most ordinary vitamin complexes lack the elements necessary for a pregnant woman.

Another 6 weeks before the alleged conception, it is recommended to start taking a minimum of 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. This helps reduce the risk of birth defects in the fetus.

10. What medications can be taken into pregnancy?

Intake of medication during pregnancy best minimized. Effects on the fetus substances contained in drugs, has not been fully studied. Some drugs can cross the placenta and adversely affect the fetus. Drug should be used in cases where there is no alternative, and the woman's condition raises serious concerns. This applies both to prescription drugs, and without it. Seek medical advice: it will assess the risk to you and the unborn child. Before you stop taking the medications from your existing chronic diseases, and consult a medical specialist.

Experts are unanimous in the opinion that alcohol and pregnancy are inconsistent.

11. How do I know that the birth BEGUN?

Any of the following signs may indicate that labor began.

* Discharge of mucus plug. Disclosure of the cervix accompanied by the release of mucus mixed with blood. During pregnancy, mucus plug protects the uterus. However, sometimes it leaves a few weeks before birth, so the doctor may suggest you stay at home until you see other signs of labor activity.
* Discharge of amniotic fluid. Under pressure from the amniotic fluid shell membranes burst. This can happen relatively slowly or, conversely, suddenly, accompanied by a rapid and powerful outpouring of fluid from the vagina. Be sure to tell your doctor about a discharge of water.
* Start fights. In the early struggles of get the feeling of tension in the muscles in the abdomen and lower back. Spasm lasts 15-20 seconds, then relax the muscles. The emergence of fairly regular contractions indicates the beginning of labor. Gradually they become more lengthy intervals between contractions are reduced. Many women feel the false contractions (contractions Brekstona-Hicks) - this is not the beginning, but only the harbingers of this birth. The doctor, a leading pregnancy, explain what to do, when to begin the fight.

At birth three distinct periods:

* The first period. It starts with a small opening of the cervix. Ends when the cervix is opened to 10 cm This is the longest period of confinement. Struggles at first can be quite moderate. At the end of the period they become stronger. Usually primiparous women during this period lasts longer than deutipara.
* For the second period. At the beginning of this period, the cervix is fully disclosed. Woman during labor tuzhitsya to push the baby through the birth canal. His movements expectant mother helps the baby to move forward. The second period ends with the birth of the child. It is usually shorter than the first.
* The third period. Birth of the placenta (afterbirth). This is the shortest and least painful stage of labor - usually the duration is okolo15 minutes. Normally, when vaginal bleeding during this period stands out about 200-250 ml of blood.

12. HOW TO DEAL WITH pain in childbirth?

* Narcotic analgesics. The most widely used for anesthesia delivery. Narcotic analgesics are introduced intramuscularly or intravenously, and begin to act in 2-15 minutes. They dull the pain and helps women cope with the difficult struggles.
* Local anesthetics. Perhaps obkalyvanie these drugs the vagina and perineum, as well as direct introduction of anesthetics in the spinal cord (epidural anesthesia). In the latter case, a woman totally gets rid of the pain, while remaining conscious during childbirth. Epidural anesthesia is widely distributed, for example, in the United States.

Even before the onset of labor to discuss ways of anesthesia with your doctor. Keep in mind that sometimes during childbirth have to retreat from the original plan.

To enjoy pregnancy and childbirth to be an active participant, you need to prepare. On the physiological changes during this period written mountains of literature. Treat with attention to choosing a doctor who will carry the pregnancy. Waiting for baby - it is inspiring, wonderful, incomparable state. Expand your knowledge in this area and enjoy the pregnancy!
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