Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Planning a Healthy Pregnancy

This article is educational in nature. Specific concerns, suspicions and fears regarding pregnancy, you should discuss with their physician.

Begin to prepare for pregnancy need to conception. Even before a woman realizes she is pregnant with an embryo is already undergoing important changes. So begin to lead a healthy lifestyle should begin early. This will help reduce the risk of complications in the future. Before becoming pregnant are advised to take multivitamins, comprising folic acid. According to studies, folic acid significantly reduces the probability of having a baby with neural tube defects and spina bifida (spina bifida). If you smoke, stop this habit, or at least drastically reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Avoid alcohol. Get rid of excess weight before pregnancy, during pregnancy because the child can not adhere to a strict diet. Women who are obese during pregnancy often have complications (diabetes and hypertension).


1. At what point menstrual easiest way to get pregnant?

Typically, ovulation occurs approximately 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. Accordingly, it has a 10-day 24-day cycle, a 14-second 28-day cycle or the 18th day of 32-day cycle. To calculate the ovulation need to track the length of the menstrual cycle for several months. The first day of menstruation considered to be the beginning of the cycle. Many women have an irregular cycle, and ovulation occurs on different days.

Here are two ways to determine when ovulation will occur:

· Method of cervical mucus (discharge from the cervix). Immediately after the menstrual discharge from the vagina no. Close to ovulation, women celebrate the appearance of mucus, as its quantity increases during this period. Mucus should be watery, clear and sticky. This sperm trapped in it, do not die before the onset of ovulation.

· Basal body temperature. To do this, use a thermometer that measures temperature to tenths of a degree. Measures the temperature in the mouth every morning before you get out of bed. Initially, the cycle temperature is almost unchanged, but just before ovulation, it drops to 0,3 - 1,0 ° C, and then rises to 0.5 - 1 ° C. The temperature increase indicates the occurrence of ovulation. Typically, the temperature remains elevated until the next menstrual period.

2. WHEN CAN I LEARN ABOUT pregnancy?

Learn about the occurrence of pregnancy can be about 2 weeks after conception, the first day of expected menstruation. More accurate results can be obtained after 3-4 days. Shortly after conception in blood levels of human chorionic gonadotropin. The content of this hormone is also increased in the urine. With this pregnancy can be installed using a simple test strips. Depending on the sensitivity of the model used, the test can be conducted, starting from 1 st - 4 th day of delay menstruation. In the case of a negative test result and the continued delay is necessary to re-examine, as may at the time of the first study the desired concentration of the hormone has not yet been reached. To do this test is recommended to use the morning urine, in which the concentration of hormones is maksimalnoey.

3. When you need to register with the mother and observed for a doctor?

You can see a doctor after the first suspicion of pregnancy. Usually the first method is appointed for a period of 6-8 weeks from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle. The doctor likely will recommend to take vitamins for pregnant and finds out whether you have a complaint to the state of health.

For getting registered doctor examining family history and the history of the disease are women. Internal inspection is conducted to determine the size and tone of the uterus. Nurse measures and records the map of weight and blood pressure. The doctor takes a swab from the vagina and appoints blood. The survey results can be found in a second doctor's office. Urine sample must pass before each visit to a gynecologist.

In the early stages usually designate one inspection per month. In the second trimester of pregnancy in the antenatal clinic have to go every 2-3 weeks, but in the last month - every week.


The approximate date of birth can be calculated by this formula: add 7 days to the first day of your last menstrual period, subtract 3 months and add 1 year.

This formula is based on the fact that the duration of the menstrual cycle 28 days, and conception occurs at the 14 th day. Your doctor may adjust the formula taking into account the individual characteristics of your cycle. According to studies, only 4-10% of women deliver exactly the intended period. In most women, a child born on 7 days before or after the estimated date of delivery.

5. What determines sex of a child?

Sex of the child is determined at the time of conception. Female egg and male sperm cell each contain 23 unpaired chromosomes. One of them is responsible for the sex of a child. Women's eggs contain only the X chromosome, while men's sperm - either female X chromosome, or male Y-chromosome. Thus, the child's sex depends on what chromosome carries sperm, fertilizing the egg.


Doctors believe the normal weight gain of about 12-13 kg. Thin women may be allowed to collect a little more than the norm, complete, respectively-less. However, some women gain more than the recommended norm, without any health effects. That's why the sum of the additional weight:

* Fruit - 3.2 kg;
* Placenta - 0,5 kg;
* Amniotic fluid - 0,9 kg;
* Enlarged uterus - 0,9 kg;
* Additional volume of blood in the mother - 1,4 kg;
* Enlarged breasts - 0,4 kg
* More fluid in the body - 1,8 kg;
* Maternal reserves - 3,4 kg.

A pregnant woman is gaining weight slowly and unevenly. The rate of increase in body weight of approximately like this:

* 0-12 weeks - a small weight gain;
* 12-20 weeks - 25%;
* 20-30 weeks - 50%;
* 30-36 weeks - 25%;
* 36 - 40 weeks - almost a supplement does not happen.

7. What changes happens in the body during pregnancy?

* Changes to the breast. Mammary glands begin to prepare to produce milk at the early stages of pregnancy. Areola around the nipples darken around them, clearly visible blood vessels. Breast becomes heavier and more sensitive. Some women noted a marked increase in the chest from the early stages of pregnancy.
* Fatigue. During pregnancy, metabolic processes in the body occur at very high speeds. No wonder that in the first 8-10 weeks pregnant woman complains about the incredible fatigue. As adjusting to a new state, this feeling is reduced (usually in the second trimester).
* Nausea. This is another frequent companion of pregnancy, usually in the morning. Sometimes nausea accompanied by vomiting. This is facilitated by fatigue and hunger. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms, try to eat often, but little by little.
* Frequent urge to urinate. The growing uterus presses on the bladder wall and creates a feeling that it was too crowded.
* Increase the abdomen. Pregnancy becomes noticeable around for about a period of 12 weeks. Much depends on the height and weight, women, and of course of previous pregnancies. Increase in proportion of uterine gestational age fetus. Regular measurement of the volume of the stomach and the doctor standing height of the uterus to check a growing fetus.
* Problems with the gums. During pregnancy, the gums often bleed, even from mild irritation toothbrush. This is considered normal and usually resolves after childbirth.
* Constipation. One of the most common complaints of pregnant women. Constipation associated with deterioration of intestinal peristalsis and pressure, which creates the rectum growing uterus.
* Dizziness. Dizziness (especially when abrupt stop), partly related to the delayed blood flow to the heart caused by the pressure of the uterus on the vessels of the abdominal cavity.
* Edema. Usually there are closer to the birth of the feet and ankles. However, there may appear in any part of the body. This is due to an excess of fluid in the body.
* Mood swings. Many women during pregnancy, complaining of sharp mood swings and sensitivity to changes in the environment. Future mothers often cry for no reason.
* The tremors in the stomach. Future mother feels like a baby moving in her stomach. The shocks are distinguishable approximately between 16th and 20 th weeks. The women describe the nature of these shocks as vibration or a slight tremor.
* The heartbeat of the fetus. It bugged during the ultrasound examination, since the 8 th week of pregnancy. Approximately 3-4 months with a doctor during the reception will listen to the heartbeat of the fetus.

8. SHOULD during pregnancy CHANGE Exercise?

On this point the doctors have different opinions. The number of exercises that a pregnant woman can do no harm to the fetus, usually depends on its physical fitness prior to pregnancy. During sports pregnant especially important to listen to your body and relax at the first signs of fatigue or pain. Expectant mothers should avoid exercises that involve sudden, strong tremor. During pregnancy, especially when the stomach is much better, better not to engage in traumatic sports - horse riding, skiing, wrestling, skating and ice skating, etc.

If no medical contraindications, you can work before the birth. However, it should be to exclude certain types of physical activities.

9. How to eat right during pregnancy?

From a future mother's diet depends on how many come in the uterus of the necessary nutrients. If a woman were not enough, will suffer not only she but a child. However, this does not mean you need to load up "for two". Most women lack the 300 additional calories. It is better to give preference to products containing protein and calcium (meat, fish, legumes, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products). Pregnant women encouraged to eat more dairy products, because they are an excellent source of calcium. However, whole milk, calorie, so it is best to use low-fat milk. Sample rate - about 500 ml of milk per day.

During pregnancy it is recommended to take vitamins. If you take the same vitamins as before conception, tell your doctor. He must be convinced that they have enough iron and minerals. The fact is that most ordinary vitamin complexes lack the elements necessary for a pregnant woman.

Another 6 weeks before the alleged conception, it is recommended to start taking a minimum of 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. This helps reduce the risk of birth defects in the fetus.

10. What medications can be taken into pregnancy?

Intake of medication during pregnancy best minimized. Effects on the fetus substances contained in drugs, has not been fully studied. Some drugs can cross the placenta and adversely affect the fetus. Drug should be used in cases where there is no alternative, and the woman's condition raises serious concerns. This applies both to prescription drugs, and without it. Seek medical advice: it will assess the risk to you and the unborn child. Before you stop taking the medications from your existing chronic diseases, and consult a medical specialist.

Experts are unanimous in the opinion that alcohol and pregnancy are inconsistent.

11. How do I know that the birth BEGUN?

Any of the following signs may indicate that labor began.

* Discharge of mucus plug. Disclosure of the cervix accompanied by the release of mucus mixed with blood. During pregnancy, mucus plug protects the uterus. However, sometimes it leaves a few weeks before birth, so the doctor may suggest you stay at home until you see other signs of labor activity.
* Discharge of amniotic fluid. Under pressure from the amniotic fluid shell membranes burst. This can happen relatively slowly or, conversely, suddenly, accompanied by a rapid and powerful outpouring of fluid from the vagina. Be sure to tell your doctor about a discharge of water.
* Start fights. In the early struggles of get the feeling of tension in the muscles in the abdomen and lower back. Spasm lasts 15-20 seconds, then relax the muscles. The emergence of fairly regular contractions indicates the beginning of labor. Gradually they become more lengthy intervals between contractions are reduced. Many women feel the false contractions (contractions Brekstona-Hicks) - this is not the beginning, but only the harbingers of this birth. The doctor, a leading pregnancy, explain what to do, when to begin the fight.

At birth three distinct periods:

* The first period. It starts with a small opening of the cervix. Ends when the cervix is opened to 10 cm This is the longest period of confinement. Struggles at first can be quite moderate. At the end of the period they become stronger. Usually primiparous women during this period lasts longer than deutipara.
* For the second period. At the beginning of this period, the cervix is fully disclosed. Woman during labor tuzhitsya to push the baby through the birth canal. His movements expectant mother helps the baby to move forward. The second period ends with the birth of the child. It is usually shorter than the first.
* The third period. Birth of the placenta (afterbirth). This is the shortest and least painful stage of labor - usually the duration is okolo15 minutes. Normally, when vaginal bleeding during this period stands out about 200-250 ml of blood.

12. HOW TO DEAL WITH pain in childbirth?

* Narcotic analgesics. The most widely used for anesthesia delivery. Narcotic analgesics are introduced intramuscularly or intravenously, and begin to act in 2-15 minutes. They dull the pain and helps women cope with the difficult struggles.
* Local anesthetics. Perhaps obkalyvanie these drugs the vagina and perineum, as well as direct introduction of anesthetics in the spinal cord (epidural anesthesia). In the latter case, a woman totally gets rid of the pain, while remaining conscious during childbirth. Epidural anesthesia is widely distributed, for example, in the United States.

Even before the onset of labor to discuss ways of anesthesia with your doctor. Keep in mind that sometimes during childbirth have to retreat from the original plan.

To enjoy pregnancy and childbirth to be an active participant, you need to prepare. On the physiological changes during this period written mountains of literature. Treat with attention to choosing a doctor who will carry the pregnancy. Waiting for baby - it is inspiring, wonderful, incomparable state. Expand your knowledge in this area and enjoy the pregnancy!
Rx Vermont

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